Summer pregnancy is rough! Trust me, I know. My little guy was due at the end of August and all I could think of during my third trimester was that we did not plan this out well. (But who ever does?) Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, I was used to nice 80-degree summers. Now transplanted to Utah and pregnant, I think the glow was more about the sweat pouring off my face than any hidden pregnancy beauty.
The last three months of my pregnancy consisted of typical complaints just exacerbated by the heat – swelling, exhaustion, and feeling overheated. My wedding ring stopped fitting right at the beginning of summer, and by the time I left for my induction only a single pair of shoes that could slide on my feet enough to wear them.
I learned a few things to do (as well as several nots) during my summer that I want to share with you! There was definitely a lot of trial and error, but I eventually learned how to survive a summer pregnancy and enjoy the last few weeks before my baby arrived.
So, crank up the AC, grab some ice water, and let’s dive into the best tips and tricks to make the most of your summer pregnancy.
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How to Survive a Summer Pregnancy
Avoid the Heat

Ok this is better said than done. My summers in Utah consist of most days June through September at least 90 degrees if not hotter. In fact, the summer I was pregnant we hit a record for the most days over 100. Lucky me!
Too much exposure to heat can cause maternal hyperthermia, which can be dangerous for both you and your baby.(Read more information on maternal hyperthermia here) Now I am not telling you to be a hermit and stay inside with the air conditioning all day. But during your summer pregnancy, be smart about your exposure to the heat. I like to think of it more as always having a plan in place to cool yourself down if need be.
This means if you plan on venturing outside, go somewhere you can get inside quickly to stay cool such as a retail store, coffee shop, or library. Choose outdoor places with lots of shade as well as places to sit down. When I needed to get out for some fresh air, the local park was my favorite place to go! Lots of pretty trees and flowers, benches to sit on, and water fountains in case you run out.
Enjoy your summer, but also be smart and don’t spend too much time outside pregnant during the heat.
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Stay Hydrated

Going along with avoiding the heat, you need to make sure that you stay hydrated. This is especially important during your summer pregnancy where it is so much easier to become dehydrated. Planning ahead is key to drinking enough water. If you are pregnant you should always carry water with you. No exceptions! You really can’t ever plan on your destination having adequate water so always be prepared.
The best tool to stay hydrated is to carry a water bottle with you at all times. My Utah girls never go anywhere without a Stanley in tow, but seriously get a water bottle you love and carry it with you everywhere! And investing a in good quality one is worth it to keep your beverages cold during the heat.
Staying hydrated is all about forming the habit and if you aren’t already accustomed to drinking water all day now is the time to start! This is super important for both your pregnancy and postpartum (especially if you are planning to breastfeed!)
Dehydration can cause contraction and while working as a nurse I saw this all the time! Particularly in preterm moms, when pregnant women were out in the heat for too long many came in with uncomfortable contractions and needed IV hydration to calm their uterus.
Drinking water isn’t the only way to stay hydrated during your summer pregnancy. There are plenty of other drinks and even foods that can help you up your water intake! Here are some of my favorites:
- Fresh fruits and veggies (especially melons have high water content)
- Iced teas or lemonades
- Fruit infused water
- Popsicles
- Frozen fruits
Crank That AC

Just plan on your air conditioning bill being the highest it’s ever been during your summer pregnancy. It really is inevitable. It’s important for you to have a place to cool off and be comfortable in those hot summer months to avoid heat stroke or exhaustion.
And it’s especially important during the night when you are trying to sleep. It is already hard enough trying to sleep with a baby pushing on your bladder, you should not be kept awake sweating either. So crank up the AC, turn on your ceiling fan, and toss your spouse a few extra blankets because your house is going to feel like a refrigerator.
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Dress Comfortably

My favorite outfit to wear during my summer pregnancy was a dress and cute pair of slip-on sandals. It was so easy to put on in the morning, nice and airy where it mattered, and everyone thinks you put in effort to get ready. (But in reality, you really did not) I lived in short-sleeved jersey dresses and I’m pretty sure I bought one in every color. Wearing light weight fabrics that are breathable is so important to stay cool during the hot summer months.
The rest of my summer pregnancy wardrobe was filled with simple tee shirts (Target and Old Navy have the best) as well as a few pairs of maternity shorts. These are a little hard to find, but when you get a good one like this you have to get all the wash options. You don’t need a ton of clothes, just a few of the staples you can mix and match throughout the months. Sticking to cotton or natural fabrics in lighter colors will help keep you cooler.

Wear Slip-On Sandals

As that belly gets bigger, it is going to get harder and harder to bend over to put your shoes on. Let alone socks. Embrace the beachy lifestyle of a summer pregnancy and get yourself a cute pair of slip on sandals that you can (and probably will) wear every day of the summer. You may even consider going up a half size just to make sure they fit when the end of the pregnancy swelling hits.
These aren’t the best for long walks or when you plan on standing for long periods of time, however. Plan on these more as an everyday wear type of shoe. So, make sure to have someone help you put on your regular footwear if necessary for other activities.
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Spend Your Summer at the Pool

Swimming is a fantastic option for exercise when you are pregnant and can help keep you cool. Not only that, but the water also takes much of the weight of your belly off providing you instant relief. All those muscle aches and pains? Gone!
If you don’t have access to a full-size swimming pool, get a kiddie pool and set it up in your yard. I tried this on the recommendation of my coworker during my summer pregnancy and I cannot explain how glorious it was. I spent so many hours handing out in the shade in just a few inches of water reading a good but and sipping my water. Make sure you use pregnancy safe sunscreen whenever you are outside for long periods of time.
To enjoy that pool you are going to want a great maternity swimsuit. And there are so many cute ones to choose from. I tried on several and ultimately chose this cute one-piece and I am still obsessed. It was so comfy, and I loved the adjustable straps on the back that made more room for my belly as the summer went on. You definitely don’t have to wear a one piece just because you are pregnant but beware of planning on using your pre-pregnancy bikinis. Chances are you have grown both in the breast and hip areas so they may not fit quite like you are used to.
Stay Cool With Ice or Wash Cloths

When you can’t be in or nearby water that you could quickly dip your feet in, an ice pack or cool wash cloth can cool you off quickly. If you are feeling overheated, try to sit down and put your feet up. Put a cool rag or ice pack on your forehead and your neck to relieve some of the heat. You can also put ice packs under your arm pits or in the groin area for an even faster cooling effect.
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Wear Your Hair Up

Always keep extra hair ties or claw clips handy in case you need to throw your hair up quick. It never bothered me before, but there was something about my hair on my neck that drove me absolutely nuts. The quick fix during those hot summer months was to just throw it up in a bun or ponytail almost on the daily.
Plan Your Outings for Mornings or Evenings

In most areas, the heat in the middle of the afternoon is at its peak. If you can help it, plan your activities outside the hours of 11 am to 4 pm when the sun is at its hottest. This isn’t always avoidable, however, so plan accordingly. If you are going to be out and about during these times always take water with you and have an exit strategy or a way to get to AC if necessary.
My husband and I always liked to end our days with a walk after dinner when the sun would start to go behind the mountains. It had cooled off quite a bit and it was a great way to get some exercise during my summer pregnancy.
You don’t have to be a hermit and stay home just because you are growing a baby. It is more about planning ahead to avoid any unnecessary heat or possible side effects.
Summer Pregnancy Must-Haves
Now that we’ve covered all the tips, here are my favorite tricks to surviving your summer pregnancy. And by tricks, I mean all the fun little gadgets! Seriously though, these were all such a life saver during those hot summer days.
Sunscreen – make sure to use a pregnancy safe sunscreen anytime you are going outside. Suntanning really isn’t recommended during pregnancy. You can read more about that here.
Bug Spray – Bug spray is not only important to protect yourself from itchy bites, but protecting your baby from the potential disease they carry. Remember Zika virus from a few years ago?
This kind is an all-natural formula for everyday use that is safe for pregnancy. You can also buy these bracelets that act as great bug repellent as well.
Fan – Always carry a fan with you! And I really mean always! You never know when those hot flashes will hit you and you need quick relief. A handheld fan works great to keep in your purse or car. You can even use one with a spray bottle attached for the extra cooling effect.
For all my working mamas, I used this fan that hooked up right to my computer at work to get me through those long 12-hour days. You’d think the crazy hospital AC would be enough but no! I still sweated to death on the daily.
Slip on sandals – We touched on this before but I cannot say it enough! No matter how limber you think you are, when a literal basketball is in front of you there is no way you are reaching those feet to put shoes on. Sitting or standing! This pair is so cute like Birkenstocks but way more budget friendly.
Water Bottle – Get one, two, five, ten water bottles! Whatever you need to keep you motivated to drink that water all day long. My go to line for patients when they came in with dehydration for contractions was once you think you’ve drank enough, drink more! It is so important to stay hydrated through out your pregnancy!
Maternity Swimsuit – I had to bring this swimsuit up again because it is so cute, practical, and I wish I had a bump to flaunt in it right now. That is all.
Small kiddie pool – I giggled at this one the first time my coworkers suggested it to me but guys it’s awesome! Just get one of those cheap kiddie pools and fill it up in your backyards and relax. You will thank me later.
Sun Hat – That sun just beats down on you all day during your summer pregnancy and you want to keep that to a minimum as much as possible. A cute sun hat will not only keep the sun out of your eyes, but can help shield your sensitive skin from any burns or rashes.
Surviving a summer pregnancy is all about finding the perfect balance between self-care, staying cool, and embracing the magic of this special time. By following these tips, you’ll be able to navigate the sunny season with a smile on your face and a baby bump full of joy.
So, whether you’re sipping on ice-cold lemonade, rocking that stylish maternity sundress, or splashing around in a refreshing pool, remember that you’re not just surviving, you’re thriving! With a little extra sunscreen, a lot of love, and a sprinkle of summer magic, you’ll create unforgettable memories that will make this season even more unforgettable.
Enjoy those lazy summer days, let your baby bump soak up the sun, and revel in the anticipation of the little one who will soon join you on this beautiful journey. Cheers to a summer full of sunshine, smiles, and sweet baby kicks!