Cutting down on monthly expenses is one of the easiest ways to work towards a financial goal. There are tons of ways to reduce expenses – living frugally, cutting down your bills, or even budget grocery shopping. If you are trying to figure out how to save on groceries and how to cut your grocery bill in half, then you’re in the right place!
Budgeting sounds like a lot of work, but you’d be surprised how much money you can save if you approach grocery shopping the right way! Groceries took up such a large percentage of our monthly expenses and it was so frustrating. After I carefully looked over what we were spending and made some simple changes, I learned how to save so much on groceries.
Do you have big financial goals to start this new year? Maybe you want to be a little more money conscious and aware of where your money is going? Or save money to help put extra funds towards paying off debt? Whatever the reason, the following tips will surely help you along your journey and teach you how to save on groceries and budget so that you too can learn how to cut your grocery bill in half!
#1 Meal Plan
This may seem like the most overused suggestion when it comes to saving money on groceries, but it is for good reason! It works so well! This doesn’t have to be a time-consuming process either. Simply sitting down for 10 minutes and planning out what meals you are going to make for the week can save you hundreds, possibly even more each year.
At the beginning of each week, my husband and I sit down for our weekly planning. We go over all sorts of plans for the week like scheduling, appointments, and most importantly meal planning. We go through our leftovers from shopping the week before, what is in our pantry already, and what meals we need to pack to eat outside the home for that week. Then we compile a list of what groceries are needed to fill in the gaps for the week of meals.
This takes the stress out of planning what to make for dinner each night as well as needing to take last minute trips to the store for a missing ingredient. It also prevents less food waste and helps rotate some of the nonperishable food in our food storage.
Meal plan and stick to it! You’ll see the rewards as your grocery bill gets smaller and smaller!
#2 Make One Trip to the Grocery Store
This is why meal planning is the key to everything! Once you have a list of what you need in groceries for the week you will only have to make one trip to the store. And this is not a suggestion. Seriously just take ONE trip per week.
I don’t know about you but whenever I go to the grocery store, I get the urge to buy unnecessary things or want to “treat myself”. The less times I go to the store each week, the more I can prevent this. You can also try ordering your groceries online using your meal planning list and skipping the grocery store altogether!
#3 Stick to the List
This is another important factor to sticking to your budget. Don’t veer from the list no matter how tempting! Remember you spent the time making the list of all the items you NEED for meals this week and anything else is just EXTRA. While I am not saying you can’t spend a dime more than your list, think carefully before you do. Does this fit with your meals for the week? Will it be consumed before it goes bad? Can I swap this item for something else on my list to help stay within budget?
#4 Buy in Bulk
One budget grocery shopping trick is to buy certain items in bulk when you can. Look closely at your recent meals. Do you have recurring ingredients such as rice, beans, or potatoes?
Consider purchasing some of the non-perishable items of your meals in bulk. You can find these at discount stores, large warehouse stores, or even just stocking up when items go on sale.
Buying in bulk can significantly lower you overall food expenses because the unit price of each item is way less than if you purchased them in standard amounts.
#5 Use Cash Back Apps to Save Money
Have you heard of companies that actually pay you to shop? There are many cash back apps out that that will give you money back on purchases that you already make every day simply by signing up for their program.
This post goes into more detail of some of my favorite cash back apps, many of which will work in your local grocery store. I end up saving around $100 each month using these apps and using the rewards towards other purchases.
#6 Use Coupons
It sounds like the most basic way to save money, but so many people forget about the amazing value of coupons! Growing up my mom would rarely buy anything without taking advantage of sales or using coupons. She always said if you are paying the sticker price, you are doing it wrong.
Nowadays you don’t have to wait for the coupon circular to come in the newspaper each week. Thousands of coupons are available online through various websites or even through your preferred store’s rewards program.
The important thing to remember is that you should not buy and item JUST BECAUSE you have a coupon for it. Make sure to stick to your list and use coupons to help reduce your grocery bill even more.
#7 Take Advantage of Sales
Sales are a must if you are trying to save on groceries. Most grocery stores have weekly ads you can access through the mail or online weekly. These sales tend to match what events are coming up or maybe what items are in season. Popular sales include 4th of July, Christmas, Easter, and many other holidays.
As you become a savvier shopping, you will start to recognize what the pre-sale prices are for your most commonly purchased items. Use this knowledge to make sure the sales are actually a good deal!
#8 Take Advantage of Clearance/Sell-by Sales
Usually, grocery stores offer good deals and slash prices on items that are expiring soon. This is especially true on items they make in house such as bakery good, deli meats, or pre-made meals. They mark down these items significantly to ensure they get sold and don’t need to be thrown out.
These items can be great additions to your meal planning for the week, especially if they were already on your list. I like to pick up bakery products such as rolls or bread and either use them that night for dinner or pop them in the freezer for a later meal. I have also scored great cuts of meat at almost half the price and readymade meals to take for work lunches the next day. It is all still completely safe to consume, it just needs to be eaten at a quick pace than the fresher items. Be sure to check these items carefully for signs they are going bad prior to the date listed.
#9 Stick to Your Budget
Ok I know you’re probably rolling your eyes right now, but I must mention it! Sticking to a budget is so important when it comes to not overspending on groceries. Budgeting starts with my weekly planning with my husband. I keep track of how much we spent the previous month on groceries, and we decide if that was an acceptable amount. A budget will vary depending on your family’s needs but pick something very comfortable and achievable to start with. As you learn to be a savvy shopping you can challenge yourself to reduce your spending each month.
#10 Eat Before You Go Grocery Shopping
This one may sound silly, but it has gotten me in trouble one too many times. Make sure you are not hungry before you go to the grocery store because everything will be tempting to you. And I mean EVERYTHING! You can kiss that list of yours goodbye if you are not prepared before going in the store.
#11 Make Certain Items from Scratch
I am still learning how to do this, but if you are a Pinterest queen and can make just about anything at home you could save some serious money! If you have the time, you can learn how to make a lot of the items on your grocery list at home for a fraction of the cost. Items such as salsa, soaps, broth, and stock are simple items that could be made at home and stored for months.
Even just having your own small garden outside or “kitchen garden” as I like to call it of fresh herbs in a windowsill can save you so much over time!
#12 Choose the Right Place to Shop
Some grocery stores are more expensive than others. This is why it’s a good idea to shop around and see where you can score the best deals. While you can shop at several stores, I recommend keeping your weekly trip to as few of stop as possible to reduce the chances of impulse buys and unnecessary purchases.
#13 Choose the Right Time of Day/Day of the Week
It may sound weird but there definitely is a right time of day and even week to shop. Late in the evening close to closing time there is a chance additional items the store is wanting to get rid of will be put on even more of a discount to clear merchandise. This is especially true for perishable merchandise like produce and meats. Also many stores discount items right before their next shipment comes in, so if you can figure when that is for your store you could save big!
And that’s a wrap! 13 tips you can use to save on your grocery bill. Do you already do some of these budget grocery shopping tricks? Are their any more tricks that you’d add to this list? Share in the comments! I’d love to hear from you! And be sure to pin this for later and follow me on Pinterest so you can come back to all the hacks to save you money!