If this is your first pregnancy, one of the things on your mind probably is stretch marks and how to prevent them.
Don’t worry mama! You’re in the right place! I remember being unsure of all the changes my body was going through.
I started see stretch marks occur on my breasts at about 14 weeks into my pregnancy. I panicked. I thought that was something that only occurred later in pregnancy and only on my stomach. I started researching everything I could, talking to other moms on various chat groups, and buying all the random creams that promised miraculous results.
Needless to say, it was not super productive, and I stressed way more about it than I should have. Now that I am on the other side, I have learned a lot about what to do (and what not to do) when it comes to preventing stretch marks.
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Now before we get started, remember your stretch marks do not define you! You are beautiful inside and out no matter what. And unfortunately, sometimes no matter what you do due to genetics some women are more prone to stretch marks than others. And its ok!
Alrighty soap box over. Let’s begin!
What Are Stretch Marks And What Do They Look Like?
First and foremost, stretch marks are thin streaks or stripes on the skin caused by the tissue stretching due to rapid growth and weight gain. While this is a common occurrence in pregnancy, other life events can cause stretch marks such as puberty or obesity.
While most expect stretch marks on their abdomen during pregnancy, they also can occur on your breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks. These may appear as red, pink, or purple in color, or even white on darker skin tones. (Source)
When to Expect Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
Stretch marks typically appear later in pregnancy towards delivery but can occur as early as first trimester. Some women may never get them at all. Every pregnancy is different.
What are the First Signs of Stretch Marks?
Usually, your skin will start to feel dry and itchy before the stretch marks actually show up. You may just notice your skin appearing more thing than normal or notice a pink discoloration. These symptoms will then progress as the skin darkens and start to develop a bumpy texture. Then you’ll begin to see what you traditionally think of as stretch marks.
How Can You Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
The key to avoid stretch marks is keeping your skin healthy to prevent them from occurring. While it is not a 100% guarantee, here are a few ways you can help:
Stay Hydrated
Hydration is so important for your overall well-being during pregnancy, but especially for your skin. Drinking enough water each day helps you stay hydrated and improves skin elasticity. Make sure to carry around your favorite water bottle to remind you to drink your water!
Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating a balanced diet full of lots of vitamins and nutrients keeps your skin healthy and strong. And while gaining weight is an important part of pregnant, avoiding gaining weight to fast to reduce skin stretching.
Take Your Prenatal Vitamin Daily
Vitamins are an important part of skin health, and we can’t always get the recommended daily amount from just our food. Taking a quality prenatal vitamin each day will ensure you are getting all the micronutrients you and your baby need.
Moisturize Daily
Using a quality lotion or cream daily will keep your skin hydrated and elastic. Start this as soon as you find out you are pregnant and focus on the areas that are high risk for stretch marks (abdomen, breasts, thighs, hips, and buttocks). Here are some of the best hydration products I have tried and love!
Vitamin C Serum – Vitamin C is really important for collagen production, which is what keeps our skin elastic. You can take extra Vitamin C in the form of eating more in your diet or taking an extra vitamin. But I prefer using this Vitamin C serum directly on my skin.
Body oil – This is another way to keep your belly very hydrated. I used this oil and loved it, but if you are looking for a cheap option, I have heard baby oil works great as well (use this one with aloe and vitamin E). I usually would put this on as soon as I got out of the shower and then put my moisturizer overtop of it to lock in the moisture but be warned you may be sticky for a few minutes.
Daily moisturizer – Choose a high-quality daily moisturizer to lather all over your skin each day for hydration.
Belly cream – this cream was my absolute favorite during pregnancy, and I even still use it afterwards. It smells so good and paired great with this oil.
Body Exfoliation
Keep your skin clean and free of dead cells is a great way to keep your skin healthy. Now this one you have to be careful with because there is such a thing as over-exfoliation. Once or twice a week gently wash with an exfoliator to help encourage new skin growth. This one worked great, and it was super cheap!
If My Mom Had Stretch Marks, Is It a Guarantee for Me?
With all of these ideas, stretch marks aren’t entirely avoidable. As many as 90% of women will get them at some point during their life. But just because you have a blood relative, doesn’t mean you are doomed. (Source)
Each person is different, and so is every pregnancy. It maybe you have more of a predisposition than some, but that’s ok!
There you have it! There is all the information you need to know when is comes to preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. I hope you have learned a few things that will help you on your pregnancy journey!
Now let me get on my soapbox one last time. Your stretch marks do not define you! Whether or not you get them you are beautiful, and your body is incredible. I hope you remember that.
And congrats mama! You’ve got this!