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    Natural Morning Sickness Remedies That Actually Work

    Oh, morning sickness—the not-so-glamorous side of pregnancy that no one warns you about quite enough. As a labor and delivery nurse and mom of two, trust me, I’ve been there. From gagging at the smell of toast (seriously, toast?) to battling nausea that seems to strike at the worst times, I know how tough it can be. But here’s the good news—you don’t have to suffer through it alone.

    I’ve gathered some of the best tried-and-true remedies that not only helped me but also come highly recommended by other mamas and even a few experts in the field. So grab a comfy seat, maybe some ginger tea, and let’s chat about what might actually help you feel human again during these queasy days. You’ve got this, mama!

    morning sickness 2

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    Here we go!

    What is Morning Sickness?

    Morning sickness is one of the most common early pregnancy symptoms, with nearly 70% of moms-to-be experiencing it at some point, usually during the first trimester. Despite its name, it doesn’t just strike in the morning—it can hit anytime, leaving you feeling nauseous or even causing bouts of vomiting.

    This queasiness is largely due to the surge of pregnancy hormones like hCG and estrogen, which are working hard to support your growing baby. While it’s usually a good sign that your pregnancy is progressing, it can leave you feeling drained and not quite like yourself. 

    Morning sickness typically lasts through week 12, with the peak being between weeks 8 and 10. So far for my two pregnancies my morning sickness usually subsided around 18 weeks or so. But everyone is different, and honestly every pregnancy is different!

    The silver lining? There are plenty of remedies that can help you manage the symptoms and feel more like you again.

    Natural Morning Sickness Remedies

    Snack Constantly

    I know eating is probably the last thing you want to do when you are nauseous. But having an empty stomach can actually make you feel MORE sick and nauseated. Constantly eating small snacks throughout the day keeps something in your stomach and your blood sugar up.

    Something as simple as keeping a granola bar in your purse can really help! Even if you just eat one bite at a time.

    Eat Before You Get Out of Bed

    Leave a little something to eat on your nightstand and then take a few bites before you even get out of bed. For me I left a small sleeve of saltine crackers in my nightstand just in case. Slowly eat the food before you even lift your head from your pillow. Rest a few minutes more and then try to get up. Hopefully this will help reduce your nausea first thing in the morning.

    It can also be helpful to eat a few bites of something when you are up in the night to make sure your stomach isn’t completely empty in the morning.

    Bland Foods

    Eating bland foods that are light and free from heavy flavors maybe your best friend right now. Foods like crackers, nuts, toast, cheese, and Jell-O may help keep your nausea at bay while keeping something in your stomach.

    Stay away from spicy or fatty foods right now as they are known to make nausea worse.

    Load Up on Protein

    This one was a life saver for me! Protein is super important for both you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. While fueling you body, it also makes you feel full for longer which can keep the nausea at bay.

    Try snacking on high protein foods like protein bars, jerky, or roasting chickpeas to increase the amount in your diet.

    Hard Candies

    Hard candies are great to suck on when you are feeling nauseated. You can try mints, fruity candies, or even these Preggie Drop Pops to help curb the sickness. For me, if I couldn’t stomach swallowing a snack or a cracker, sucking on something with flavor was the perfect remedy!


    Sucking on ginger candy or eating ginger chews is a popular trick for settling your stomach. You could even sip on a ginger tea or drink ginger ale. Whatever your method, make sure it has real ginger in it for it to actually provide relief.

    I kept these ginger chews in my car for long road trips and during my first trimester I found that actually work great for morning sickness too! It definitely is an acquired taste, but if you don’t mind the spice these can be a lifesaver.

    Stay Hydrated

    Staying hydrated during your pregnancy is super important and dehydration can actually make your nausea worse. So be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day!

    If you’re like me though, just straight plain water actually made me feel even more sick. Try flavoring your water with drink packets. Or even use an infusion water bottle with fresh fruit. Gatorade, Pedialyte, or other drinks with electrolytes can be really helpful especially if you are vomiting frequently.

    Take Your Prenatal Vitamin With Food

    Did you know that taking your prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach can trigger nausea? Make sure to always eat something, even if it is small at the same time as your vitamin. I kept a small snack in my bathroom for just this purpose. Or your could even keep your prenatal in the kitchen near your breakfast, whatever works for you!

    Take Your Prenatal Vitamin at Night

    Sometimes your prenatal vitamins are partially to blame for your nausea. Even if you are taking them with food. Try taking your prenatal vitamin at night (right before you go to bed) and see if that helps lessen your nausea throughout the day.

    If you aren’t getting relief, try another brand or even a gummy vitamin!

    Vitamin B6

    Your prenatal vitamins should already have B6 in them but adding a little extra has shown to help with nausea. This is generally considered safe, but talk with your doctor first. They can provider their recommendation on what to take daily.


    Now I know exercising is the last thing you are probably thinking about when you are dry heaving over the toilet, but this helped me so much! Simple exercise such as walking, swimming, or even a light workout can help release endorphins to counteract the nausea.

    Start your day with the exercise of your choice when you are feeling up to it and see how it helps the morning sickness for the rest of the day!

    Reduce Your Stress Levels

    Stress can play a significant role in increasing nausea during pregnancy. Find ways to relax and rest when you can. Try listening to some music, relaxing in bed, exercising, or watching your favorite show. Anything that helps get rid of your stress needs to be a priority during your pregnancy.

    Peppermint Oil

    Now I am typically not a big promoter of essential oils, but I love peppermint oil! I learned this trick working as a nurse on labor and delivery. Simply smelling peppermint can help reduce the feelings of nausea, especially when traditional methods aren’t working.

    I would keep a small diffuser beside my bed or on my desk and added a few drops of oil when I was feeling nauseated. Having this close by was just enough to curb the nausea without disturbing those around me.

    You could even just put some oil on a cotton ball or small cloth and hold it near your nose until the nausea subsides!

    Nausea Tea

    Pink Stork created this tea specifically to combat morning sickness! Many expecting moms have raved about how well the tea helped relieve their nausea. It’s definitely worth trying if other remedies aren’t working for you.

    I also love Earth Mama Organics Ginger Nausea Tea to help settle my stomach during and honestly after pregnancy! It taste so yummy with a mix of ginger, chamomile, and lemon balm, I loved to drink it each morning as I slowly tried to get my breakfast down. 

    Get More Rest

    Getting more sleep can help relieve your morning sickness. Listen to what your body is telling you. Taking a nap, even if it is just for 15 minutes can help significantly. Remember, along with all your regular activities you are growing a little human. This requires a lot of work from your body, so rest up!

    The honest truth is morning sickness is hard. Unfortunately, unless you are some of the lucky few there is not much that will completely get rid of it aside from time and patience. But hopefully some of these natural morning sickness remedies will help lessen the symptoms and give you some relief.

    I know it feels like it lasts forever, but eventually it will end!

    Do you have anymore ways that have helped your morning sickness? I would love to hear about them!

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