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    17 Hydration Hacks: How to Stay Hydrated During Pregnancy

    Staying hydrated during pregnancy is super important for both you and your growing little one. But let’s face it, with all the pregnancy cravings and morning sickness, getting enough fluids can sometimes feel like a chore. And if you don’t already have the habit of drinking plenty of water, this can really be a challenge.

    Don’t worry though, I’ve got you covered with these simple and practical tips to keep you hydrated and feeling your best.

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    How Much Water Should Your Drink When Pregnant?

    So how much water should you be drinking while you are pregnant? You probably already know that the recommended amount for the average individual is about 8 glasses of water per day or around 64 ounces. According to ACOG, pregnant women should drink even more than that, at least 8 to 12 cups or 64 to 96 ounces of water per day.

    This amount does vary person to person depending on weight, activity level, and gestational age but it’s a good estimate and goal to start with to maintain important hydration during pregnancy.

    Benefits of Hydration During Pregnancy

    Now before we get into the details of how to stay hydrated during pregnancy, its crucial to understand why water intake is so important for your health and the health of your baby. Maintaining proper hydration is essential for the following:

    • Your blood volume increases significantly during pregnancy. The average women’s blood volume increases approximately 50% to help support the growing baby. Because water is a crucial component of blood, it is important to drink plenty to support your body during this process.
    • Prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. Water helps keep everything moving through your digestive system, especially now that it has been slowed down due to all those pregnancy hormones. Constipation is already very common in pregnant women and if not managed the pressure can lead to hemorrhoids, so make to drink plenty of water to loosen that stool!
    • Prevent UTIs. Staying hydrated can also help dilute your urine, which not only keeps it all moving through your system but prevents the build up of bacteria that can cause UTIs, bladder infections, and kidney infections.
    • Supports Amniotic fluid. Your baby spends their time during pregnancy in their own little swimming pool of amniotic fluid. This development of this fluid is greatly supported by water intake, so make sure you are drinking enough to support the development of your baby’s protective environment.
    • Regulates body temperature. It can be easy to overheat during pregnancy while you are cooking your baby with all the hormones and a growing bump, especially if you are trying to survive a summer pregnancy. Staying hydrated helps regulate your body temperature and keep everything your body uses to cool you down running smoothly.
    • Replenishes fluids. If you are one of those women who experiences morning sickness with the added symptom of vomiting, you could be losing a lot of fluids. Even though it can be difficult with your symptoms, it is so important to replace those fluids lost to prevent severe dehydration.
    Hydration during pregnancy image

    17 Tips for Maintaining Hydration During Pregnancy

    If you are struggling to drink enough water, or morning sickness is making the taste of water hard to stomach, try some of these tips to help you reach your hydration goals.

    #1 Get a good water bottle

    This is number one on the list for a reason! Get yourself a good reusable water bottle that you love in order to help you stick to your goals. There are so many different options to choose from, but make sure it is at least 40-44 ounces. That way if you are trying to reach the ACOG recommendations of 64-90 ounces you only need to drink two per day.

    Now you can jump on the Stanley trend, but personally I love a good water bottle that has a straw that won’t spill like this one.

    #2 Bring that water bottle with you EVERYWHERE

    Now this may seem self-explanatory, but once you have that awesome water bottle you love you need to actually bring it with you! Too many people head out and about without any form of hydration with them and this makes it really difficult to reach those hydration goals.

    When your water is beside you, it is easier to take a sip here and there to spread your intake out through the day. Convenience is key!

    #3 Track your intake

    The best way to know if you are staying hydrated during pregnancy is to track how much you drink. You can do this through an app on your phone, or a smart watch, or even old-fashioned pen and paper. However you do it, set a goal and track your progress throughout the day to make sure you don’t reach 8pm and have half your goal to go.

    #4 Set reminders on your phone

    Depending on how you choose to track your intake, you can also set reminders or alerts on your phone to make sure you are drinking water throughout the day.

    #5 Get an infusion water bottle

    For me, my first trimester morning sickness made it really hard for me to stomach the taste of plain water. Getting an infusion bottle is an easy way to flavor your water with all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies. Check out these recipes to make some delicious drinks to keep you hydrated during pregnancy!

    #6 Add drink mixes

    Single serving drink packets are also a great way to flavor your water to curb nausea or even just keep it exciting. There are so many flavors out there to choose from you are bound to find some you like. I also used to make a pitcher of Crystal Light to keep in my fridge at all times to have a quick and easy flavored drink in a pinch. Just be sure to be careful of your intake of artificial sweeteners because they can exacerbate first trimester bloating.

    #7 Eat hydrating foods

    Munching on hydrating foods is a smart move during pregnancy to keep you feeling refreshed and hydrated. Foods like watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries are packed with water, helping you meet your fluid needs while also providing essential vitamins and minerals for you and your baby.

    Plus, these snacks are tasty and satisfying, making them a perfect choice for combating cravings and keeping you feeling full between meals. So always make sure to reach for those foods that contain plenty of water when choosing a snack or a meal.

    #8 Drink water before meals

    Drinking water before meals is a great strategy during pregnancy to help you stay hydrated and promote healthy digestion. Downing a glass of water before you dig into your meal can help you feel fuller, preventing overeating. Plus water helps everything move through your digestive system so starting off your meal with it can help prevent that bothersome constipation.

    #9 Drink water with snacks

    Pairing water with snacks is a smart move during pregnancy to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Whether you’re munching on a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, or some whole-grain crackers, sipping water alongside your snacks can help wash them down and keep you feeling refreshed.

    #10 Flavor ice cubes

    Similar to using an infusion water bottle, flavoring ice cubes can be a fun way to add a twist to your water routine during pregnancy. Simply freeze cubes of fruit juice or herbal tea and pop them into your water for a burst of flavor without the added sugar. And for a fun twist freeze them in a cute tray!

    It’s a refreshing way to stay hydrated, especially on hot days, and you can get creative with different combinations like lemon, mint, or even cucumber slices. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to make drinking water a little more exciting for you and your baby!

    #11 Sip in herbal teas

    Sipping on herbal teas can be helpful to cure many pregnancy symptoms as well as help with hydration. Opting for caffeine-free varieties like chamomile, ginger, or peppermint tea can provide necessary fluids while also offering potential health benefits. These herbal teas are known for their calming properties, which can help ease pregnancy-related discomforts such as nausea, indigestion, or insomnia.

    Herbal teas can add variety to your fluid intake, making it easier and more enjoyable to stay hydrated throughout the day.

    #12 Make soup and broth a diet staple

    Incorporating soups and broths into your diet can be a simple and nourishing way to stay hydrated during pregnancy. These liquid-based meals not only provide essential fluids but also offer a comforting and easily digestible option, especially if you’re experiencing morning sickness or digestive discomfort.

    Additionally, soups and broths are versatile, allowing you to pack them with nutritious ingredients like vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, which can help meet your increased nutrient needs during pregnancy. Use bone broth in your recipes or drink by itself for add protein in your diet. 

    Whether enjoyed as a warm and soothing meal or a light snack, making soups and broths a diet staple can contribute to your overall hydration and well-being throughout your pregnancy journey.

    #13 Pay attention to cues from your body

    Listening to cues from your body is crucial during pregnancy, especially when it comes to hydration. Pay attention to sensations like thirst, dry mouth, or feeling fatigued, as these could indicate that your body needs more fluids. If it even crosses your mind that you may be feeling dehydrated, go drink a big glass of water.

    #14 And pay attention to urine color

    Paying attention to the color of your urine is an easy and effective way to gauge your hydration status during pregnancy. Ideally, your urine should be a pale yellow or straw-like color, indicating that you are well-hydrated.

    On the other hand, darker urine may suggest dehydration and the need to increase your fluid intake. By monitoring the color of your urine throughout the day, you can ensure you’re drinking enough water to keep yourself and your baby adequately hydrated, promoting overall health and well-being during pregnancy.

    #15 Enjoy popsicles

    Indulging in popsicles during pregnancy can be an enjoyable way to stay hydrated while satisfying your sweet cravings. Since popsicles are made primarily of water, they provide a refreshing burst of hydration with every delicious lick. 

    Opting for homemade popsicles (in molds like these) made from fresh fruits or natural juices can also add essential vitamins and minerals to your diet, making them a healthy and enjoyable treat for you and your baby. Plus, they’re a fun and easy way to cool down on hot summer days, helping you beat the heat while keeping hydrated.

    #16 Hydrate before, during, and after exercise

    Hydrating before, during, and after exercise during pregnancy is crucial for maintaining your energy levels and supporting your body’s needs. Before your workout, drink about 16 to 20 ounces of water to prepare your body for physical activity. During exercise, sip water regularly to stay hydrated and replenish fluids lost through sweat. After your workout, hydrate promptly with another 16 to 24 ounces of water to support muscle recovery and overall well-being.

    #17 Include your partner in your hydration goals

    Goals are always easier to accomplish when you have someone to hold you accountable. Try to include your partner in your hydration goals and help them make goals of their own. Studies show that most adults are not drinking enough water each day so this can be a healthy challenge you can both complete together!

    In summary, staying hydrated during pregnancy is super important for you and your baby’s health. By following these easy tips every day, you can make sure you’re drinking enough fluids. Whether it’s carrying a water bottle or snacking on hydrating foods, there are lots of simple ways to keep yourself well-hydrated throughout your pregnancy journey. So, cheers to staying healthy and hydrated for you and your little one!

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